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  1. LetsCleanItTogether

    Laundering fake id money

    Hi, I plan on sellling fake id's and estimate I'll make close to 20-30k. As a student, I make hardly near that amnt a year. Probably like 8k a year I make working side jobs and a job in the summer. I know this will bring suspicions to me with the IRS most likely, with them wondering how I got...
  2. LetsCleanItTogether

    Dirty Fiat -> XMR-> Clean Fiat *hypothetically*

    How would you clean XMR in this hypothetical scenario. Person gets dirty fiat through a Fullz bank acc and buys XMR on crypto exchange. (or maybe you wouldnt buy xmr on an exch and you'd do something else, im open to thoughts!) Where would you proceed to get this to clean fiat in persons...
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