Hey guys I thought this would be the perfect place to ask this question. And part of me feels like a complete retard for even asking this question because in the end I know these people eventually end up caught after doing my research. But someone awhile ago told me about this thing he was doing. Which was accepting money from these Africans and converting it into crypto via zelle, venmo, Apple cash etc. I had an idea they were sending me money from fraud or god knows what. But it never came to me that there actually using me to accept money from the victims them self's (even though the person claimed he wasn't) Im not going to get into the details but I got fucked. Deservingly so for being such a retard. But luckily it could of been a WHOLE lot worse. But my question is... is there a way to do this successfully without the banks on your ass? Or raising suspension? Or any tips to remain hidden doing this? Or is this type of thing only benefiting the scammers/fraudsters. I was trying to get into fraud my self but its very time consuming and quite frankly way harder than I thought.
Appreciate you guys!
Appreciate you guys!