Know Privacy / tax haven countries - Europeregion


New member
Mar 13, 2025
This is the start of a series of these where i will set out the countires which are known to be either tax havens or have high levels of privacy. These are countries in which is is easier to either operate accounts anonymously, or with a nominee director, or where a company can be a corporate director of another company, or where the business dealings attact no tax or minimal tax.

EUrope region:
Isle of Man

i wil post more regions in the coming weeks.

Thanks for the list but I don't agree with some of your countries!

Example: Andorra!
It use to be a tax heaven and stuff like that but they had their fair number of banking shit going on at the begining of 2000's and after that they had a lot of reforms and then EU and OECD steeped in and then at the end they are not as safe nor private as you would think!

What Information is Shared?
Information is shared on the bank accounts of non-resident individuals and entities, consisting of:

account number,
taxpayer ID number,
date of birth,
income (interest, dividends, insurance income, etc),
sale proceeds,
account balances, and
for company accounts, ultimate beneficiary owners (known as “UBOs”).

I could go and check other countries but this should be done on one on one basis depends on personal circumstances.

One of the best places when it comes to privacy from my point of view and experience is Panama!


Thanks for the list but I don't agree with some of your countries!

Example: Andorra!
It use to be a tax heaven and stuff like that but they had their fair number of banking shit going on at the begining of 2000's and after that they had a lot of reforms and then EU and OECD steeped in and then at the end they are not as safe nor private as you would think!

What Information is Shared?
Information is shared on the bank accounts of non-resident individuals and entities, consisting of:

account number,
taxpayer ID number,
date of birth,
income (interest, dividends, insurance income, etc),
sale proceeds,
account balances, and
for company accounts, ultimate beneficiary owners (known as “UBOs”).

I could go and check other countries but this should be done on one on one basis depends on personal circumstances.

One of the best places when it comes to privacy from my point of view and experience is Panama!

thanks for sharing. any informaiton you find here has to be double checked before actioning.
Ive read some stories about Latvia in the clear web, but wouldn't have thought that they are still so "tolerant" these days (2024). So ur suggestion sounds intriguing. Can u recommend which banks, services to use there?
its possible to open a bank accont without id and this countries does not communicate to authority ? and is easily to open a bussines and last can you explain how to open a private account ?

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