Laundering Solana


New member
Mar 13, 2025
This might seem too idealistic, but is it even worth going through the hassle of laundering solana if you drain wallets and only make around 1-2k. Like its traceable but who are they going to report it too, the police? they arent going to investigate and request data to companies for 1k or less im assuming. Maybe im being ignorant just a thought of mine. LMK what you think ( i need to get the solana first and then worry abt this lol)
It isn't necessary but it's an opsec rule... no matter how small it is if u value opsec

the feds got onto the trail of Ulbricht for making a couple of posts online and then leaving a link to some other posts where he gave out his Gmail

Insanely stupid in hindsight I know but the point Im making is he came to notice in the first place from just one single post in an ocean.

Even if you drain only small amounts all it takes is some chump who doesn't stop hassling their local police and it lands on the desk of an over zealous Columbo to make it his life mission to HUNT YOU DOWN

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